Easy Peasy Rivet Squeezy

I finished replacing the rivets in the inboard aileron bracket on the left wing that I mentioned in my last post.  They look much better now, and I will not be worrying about them anymore.  It is amazing how thinking about these has actually slowed me down for a while, until I finally just got up the nerve to drill them out and replace them.  I have replaced other rivets before, but I was nervous that in drilling these out, I would damage the aileron bracket and have to build it all over again.  I just jumped in and did it this evening with no issues.  Glad that is behind me!

After that, I clecoed the top skins to the left wing and prepped it all to begin riveting as soon as I can get a helper.

Right wing leading edge complete and shop cleanup

Yesterday I completed the right wing leading edge, cleaned up some shop area, moved the tail cone to a better storage location, and then made a test fit of the left wing leading edge to the main spar. The fit looked good.

I have one rivet I need to drill out and re-set on the left wing rear spar, and then I will begin the top skin riveting process.

Left Wing Outboard Leading Edge Complete

Long time, no update.  Rest assured, work has been progressing!

Today, after a long preparation period that involved tons of part finishing and priming (and receiving and inventorying the fuselage kit), I began final construction of the major sub-assemblies of the wings.  8 hours of work later, I completed assembly of the left wing leading edge assembly.  Tomorrow I plan to complete the right wing leading edge assembly, and possibly begin main wing top skin riveting.  Or maybe fuel tanks.

Hole cut for the stall warning system access cover.
Access cover plate doubler pre-priming
Test fit of access plate cover and doubler.
Left wing leading edge stall warning system access/inspection doubler and cover installed 6/9/2018
Left wing leading edge stall warning system access/inspection doubler and cover installed 6/9/2018
Left wing leading edge assembly and riveting in progress 6/9/2018
Left wing leading edge assembly and riveting in progress 6/9/2018
Left wing leading edge assembly and riveting in progress 6/9/2018
Completed Left Wing Outboard Leading Edge 6/9/2018
Completed Left Wing Outboard Leading Edge 6/9/2018
Completed Left Wing Outboard Leading Edge 6/9/2018
Completed Left Wing Outboard Leading Edge 6/9/2018

Fuselage Kit!

I completed the fuselage kit inventory today. Just a few discrepancies to correct. E-mail sent to Van’s, and I’ll be on my way!


I decided to use the Cee Bailey’s windscreen and windows, so I deleted those from the kit. Also, I deleted the Van’s aluminum heater boxes because I intend to use the stainless heater boxes.

I am very excited to begin the fuselage construction phase, but I still have some work on the wings to complete before I can really dive in! I have been making slow but steady progress on the wings, but I hope (and think) I can really accelerate things soon.